Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Serving Charleston, South Carolina
One of the first steps in the bankruptcy process is determining which form of bankruptcy is the most appropriate for your situation. There are many factors that need to be considered when discussing the options of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, such as your income level, your assets and the types of debts incurred.
The question of which form of bankruptcy is appropriate for your situation is not one that can be answered without a thorough review of your circumstances. At The Law Office of Lauren Clark, L.L.C., we will take the time to listen to you about your situation and your goals. If Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the best option for debt relief, attorney Lauren Clark will guide you through the process as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
To learn more about Chapter 7 bankruptcy in South Carolina, and to avoid common mistakes in the process, contact our firm for an initial case evaluation.
Charleston Consumer Debt Relief Attorney
There are many misconceptions about Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Despite what many people believe, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy does not automatically mean that you will lose your home, your car, your retirement savings or any of your other assets. Additionally, just because you qualify through the means test for Chapter 7 relief does not necessarily mean that this kind of bankruptcy is your best option.
Instead of blanket answers and a one-size-fits-all approach to bankruptcy law, we tailor our solutions to meet the individual needs and objectives of our clients. It is important to have a thorough accounting of your situation before taking action, and our firm will take the time to assess how Chapter 7 would affect your specific situation, whether it involves student loan debt, medical debt, credit card debt, mortgage debt or another kind of financial burden.
Contact The Law Office of Lauren Clark, L.L.C.
Let us help you make informed decisions about your financial future. For an initial consultation, call 803-386-8868, or send us an email. We advise and represent clients in Charleston and throughout the surrounding counties in South Carolina.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.